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    Python Collections: Dictionaries

    Learn the basics of Python Dictionaries. They let you store key-value pairs without any order. They are mutable as well and provide a nice feature to use in function calls.

      Python Collections: Lists

      One of the main common ways to group information in Python is through Lists. They act as an enormous bag where we can add items of different type for later use. We can modify the contents and do some other fun stuff.

        Python Collections: Tuples

        Want to meet the cousin of Lists? Tuples are like lists but they are immutable and have some special uses in python. This is a great place to learn the basics of these type of collections.

          A Beginners Guide to Strings

          Strings are a core concept in many programming languages and Python is not the exception. In this article, we will go over the most important aspects of strings in Python.

            Setting A React App

            Want to get started with React? This article provides 2 options to setup a React development environment. One requires some configuration and the other is a powerful one-command tool.

              React Redux Rockstar

              Redux is a JavaScript framework in charge of maintaining and managing application state in a scalable, predictable and testable way.

                Animations in React

                Animations give a better user experience and visual appeal to web and mobile apps. These animations can be added to React components with the CSSTransitionGroup add-on. In this short article, you will learn how to set up animations for your components.

                  Fetching Data With React

                  Almost all web and mobile applications require at some point external resources. Data fetching in React is not integrated. However, many options offer data-fetching functionality that work great with React.

                    React Router Basics

                    React does not have implemented a way to handle URL changes. However, the community has built a powerful library capable of managing all the routing of a React app. In this article, we cover the basics of React Router v.4.

                      JSX For React Starters

                      React is a popular JavaScript library for building reusable UI components. It was developed by the guys at Facebook. The recommended language for building React apps is JSX. It makes sense once you learn it.

                        ES6 Basics

                        The new version of JavaScript brings some nice features that you should not miss. If you know the basics of JS and want to move forward in your development career, you should be comfortable with the new features brought by ES6.

                          Promised Land

                          If you are a JavaScript programmer, you have probably experienced the “callback hell”. In this article, I go through the basics of a new way of dealing with asynchronous operations called Promise.

                            The Module Newbie

                            Join me in my journey to grasp the basic concepts of modules in JavaScript. In this short article, I explain why are modules useful and I go through the most common module formats.

                              Understanding 'this' keyword

                              How "this" is interpreted depends on how the function is invoked rather than how it is declared. Learning how it works and what values it takes will make you a better JS developer for sure.

                                Objects All Around Us

                                Have you ever wondered how objects look and behave in the JavaScript world? I did, and this is what I found out! In this article, I go through the basics of Objects' anatomy in JavaScript.